In the beginning, there was nothing. Then, oddly, there was something. It was a bit hectic, and then there was a period of rearranging.
This was a long and laborious process, but it worked out so that not everything was shooting around everywhere and exploding all the time.
Suddenly, there were a bunch of really tiny things that might have looked like they had the intent to recreate themselves as much as possible. They might have been alive, or not.
Then they were alive. This was primarily because a bunch of them had got together and formed a group, which was quite a bit better at reproducing itself than just a single one.
The groups grew very rapidly in numbers, and eventually they all forgot they were groups and thought of themselves as individuals. This was useful for reference, but kind of muddied everyone's autonomy.
These individuals were happy for a while, but then there came a plague: The individuals were competing, cooperating, and eating each other! Many of the individuals realized that the only way they were going to survive, was by banding together into communities.
For a while, the communities were good. Eventually, though, there were a lot of communities, and the communities began to think of themselves as individuals. This was awkward to describe.
These new kinds of individual things eventually learned to move in packs, bands, murders, schools, and all sorts of other mobile institutions. There got to be so many of these, that they, too, began to think of themselves as individuals.
These newer, even larger kinds of individuals competed, as well; pretty much similarly (except in scale) to their hierarchical predecessors.
Some of them wondered if they were supposed to be part of something even larger, but didn't really speculate very far into the matter. Many began to realize that no matter how big their communities got, they would still be very small, relative to the rest of everything else.
Some of them wondered if the whole thing even mattered, because really, who was watching? Some speculated that someone very large or far-away was watching, but no one had any proof.