A creepy, festive air floating through the memesphere, as Western Culture shows its true colours |
I'd be happier about it if the man had been given a trial, one wherein he could at least speak some intelligible words. One with good video quality, so everyone would know that it wasn't doctored. And somehow, this is all part of political agendas already.
Hard to imagine that all these nations we've destabilized in the Middle East will stop producing suicidal soldiers brought together in the cause against the United States. I mean, killing one person doesn't really erase that history, right?
I'm torn about these nations, because the feminist in me wants intervention so that the women in these places can be guaranteed safety and rights, but the rest of me knows that a) the oppressed classes in a country get treated worse when the nation is under attack, and b) the United States probably made these inequalities as bad as they are in the first place by intervening militarily in the first place.
I understand Ron Paul fans' total desire to just pull out of the Middle East. I do. I do not, however, understand how these people can ignore the other glaring issues with him. The guy has one of the worst domestic policy platforms I've ever seen. He seems to hate gay people, women, and immigrants (apparently he hasn't noticed that he's a White man, probably descended from immigrants). In a country where we are only conditioned to relate to White men (see: all television), it seems unfortunately likely that someone like him will succeed.
And Obama- Obama... Jeez. What a successful politician, but what a player of the game. It seems like he rides the party lines so closely that everyone has a bone to pick with him, not to mention the racist Tea Party movement. It's amazing how quickly the roots of American show through when you temporarily dye it with equality. Maybe we're not using expensive enough dye. Or my metaphor is stupid.
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